Meet Miro LaFlaga & Ashgrxphics: Montréal's Premiere Creative Couple

 Coming thru next in our behind the scenes series, we linked with Montréal's Miro LaFlaga and Ashgrxphics. As a creative, you would like to let your work speak for itself. But in this case, we wanted to dig deeper into the creative minds of Montréal, Canada's premiere creative couple.About a few weeks ago, we grabbed tea at Starbucks while Miro and Ash were out visiting in LA. During our convo, we caught Miro and Ash's hella dope vibes, as well as their motivation and visions of the future. Not to mention, their down to Earth demeanors let us know they're in it for the love, not the likes. To describe their work as dope would be an understatement, with its use of bold colors and clean aesthetics. We can def see them being "Internationally known & Locally respected" as time progresses.Peep their exclusive HYPE Off Life interview below to get their thoughts on Montréal's creative scene, their ideal client and how they've managed to make it as not only Black creatives, but as a super burgeoning power couple.P.S. Don't forget to catch the tail-end of the interview for samples of their work!  Sidenote: It's not too often you see a black power couple in the industry. Just killing the game, with lasting power. So, we take it upon ourselves to document and tell the stories that are often overlooked and misrepresented in the media. Stay tuned for more pieces like this. But in the meanwhile, catch this piece. 😉    

What is the scene like for creatives out there in Montréal?

ASH: There's a lot of creatives and talented people who are good at what they do. The city is really a hidden creative gem.MIRO: The creative scene is cool, however, there isn’t a real industry yet. I can see that is slowly changing because a lot of creatives are venturing more out of their comfort zone.  

How did you learn graphic design, photography and all that other good stuff you’re good at?

ASH: I’ve always been a creative person from a young age. My dad is an artist and also dabbled in graphic design, so when it came to choosing a career, like many I had no idea know what to do so I just followed in his steps. Luckily I ended up being a natural at it. From there I started learning different things on my own like photo editing, video editing, motion graphics and so on. All thanks to youtube. ;)MIRO: Man… I always had an eye for aesthetics since I was young. I never knew I would have a career in it. I started off as a stylist then I slowly implemented things to it in order to enhance the experience like photography, videography, graphic design. My real strength lies in the fact that I am able to network and connect with other creatives.  

At what point did you just say f*ck it, I’m going to pursue my passion?

Ash: When I met Miro :)MIRO: When I got fired from my job.  

How long did it take for you to eat from your craft?

ASH+MIRO: We feel we are lucky when it comes to that because we were able to start eating soon as we started.   

What are the pros and cons of working together as a couple?

ASH: Balancing work and relationships can be difficult at times because it’s hard to draw the line between work and just being together as a couple. When do you stop working? We are always together and always have work on our mind, so sometimes you have to take a step back and just be like, Okay it’s time to take a break from all this business talk and just chill.MIRO: Yeah. We are constantly coming up with ideas together. We are never not working so that can be a strain sometimes. 

Who is your ideal client?

ASH: Creatives with great ambitions and open-minded people.MIRO: People who are willing to push the boundaries and think outside the box.  

What do you stand for as black creatives?

ASH: Representation in front of the camera and behind it. Just being part of the movement of all these black creatives making dope original content and inspiring others to do the same.MIRO: To able to be in control of our narrative and our story. We are part of the new renaissance of black creatives who are tasked with this. I just want to showcase my people in a good light.    

Any advice for other creatives looking to get started? Or better yet, stick with it.

MIRO: This road is not easy. You have be prepared mentally for it. It will test you emotionally. There’s going to be people who will doubt you and not support you the way you thought they would. All of this should be turned into fuel to keep you on track and focus on your goal. Be true to yourself and your goals.ASH: Have faith in yourself and in what you do. You have to be courageous because this is not a path that many take and people will try to dissuade you from doing it. It’s also really important to mentally and spiritually have balance and discipline. Be positive and make sure that you’re on a high frequency.  

Where do you see your career 5 years from now?

ASH: I see us with a bigger team, bigger projects and expanding into other creative avenues and disciplines. Also, see us being natural influencers.MIRO: Owning our production studio where we are a giant think tank creating commercials, movies, screenplays, video games, ads, tv shows and so much more.      

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Keisha M. Tarver

Founder & CEO of Hype Off Life. Set on shifting the culture through Art & Authenticity ⚡️


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