DeJuan Edward Ford Gears Up To Release His Newest Film “Tina & Lori”

DeJuan Ford is a Michigan native who is on road to trailblaze the film industry! He has transformed from a cable guy to pursuing his dreams as an independent film producer. With 7 years in the industry, DeJuan Ford has created numerous projects, such as McGraw Ave, First Lady 2 & 3, Indictment: Who is Johnathon Carter? and Tina & Lori

What makes DeJuan Ford stand out from the rest is he knows this is not about him, it's bigger than him. He is blessed with the opportunity to inspire and DeJuan Ford wants others to become inspired to pursue their dreams. If he can do it, so can they! His newest film, Tina & Lori is set to debut later in the month and you can get to know him below!

How would you describe your style? 

I am versatile, I can produced several different genres

Who or what inspired your interest in film? 

My mother worked at the movie theatre when I was growing up, my siblings and I basically grew up in the movie theatre. We pretty much lived there, we would spend days bouncing from theatre to theatre watching movies

What kind of films are your favorite to film?

My favorite is hands down Urban Drama, these films are usually based on true stories, experiences of individuals who grew up in these environments. It's an opportunity for us to tell our story

When did you film your first film?

Back in 2016, the film was called True Story. It was never released. I was highly dissatisfied with the outcome of the film, I learned a lot from that experience, and plan on shooting that film again. It's arguably still my favorite script

Is the life of a film maker difficult?

I wouldn't say that it is difficult, it has its challenges, but when you genuinely have a passion for it, the process is fun, and the end result is rewarding

Facebook: DeJuan Ford

Instagram: dejuanford


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